
Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The Epic Race

This film was created and directed by a small group of students in room 10- Kate, Agueer, Faye, Sione, Winnie, Mario, Limiteti, Uinita and Madisyn. The main message of the film is to have sportsmanship, courage and have team work regardless of the challenge. Music: We are the champions - Queen.


  1. Hello Room 10, I am Maanas from Pt. England School, I really like your story and how it shows how important sportsmanship and courage is. It is very entertaining to watch.

  2. My name is maria i am from ptengland school. it's good how they were caring about each other and how they team up together.

  3. Hi Room 10 my name is Andrew and I go to Pt England School. Fantastic movie that you guys have been working on.Keep up the good work.

  4. Hi room 10 im a student from ptengland i really like your video it is fantastic keep it up.

  5. Hi Room 1
    So amazed with your acting
    keep the great work up.

  6. Wonderful guys i like how you explain how its important to show sportsmanship and courage

  7. Hi Ruapotaka school name is diana So amazed with your acting
    keep the great work up.

  8. Hi Ruapotaka school I really liked your video from the Manaiakalani Film Festival, And I felt that it was funny and amazing and effort that you guys put into your video and I liked how you all participated in the video, Keep The Great Work Up Ruapotaka School

  9. Hi my name is charlotte and I love your video I like how yous all won together good job .

    1. Thank you Charlotte keep your hopes up room 10 will make another awesome film next year

  10. Hi, Room 10. This was an awesome film. I loved the way how everyone was helping each other and also I love the dramatic falls.

  11. Malo e lelei room 10, I loved your film about great sport man ship like how it's always about winning it's about teamwork, we are doing athletics now and I hope we do some great sport man ship.

  12. Malo e lelei Room 10.

    I think your moving is entertaining. It really made me laugh and learn about helping others.

    Are you going to make another film like this next year.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Kia ora Room 10
    My name is Mahaleah from Glen Innes School.I like how all four people had sportsman ship to help each other.Your video is also very funny.Would you still have sportsman ship if someone fell? Keep the good work up!

  14. Kia Ora Ruapotaka School my name is Drake and I really like this movie because of teamwork and helping out each other and, also at the end everyone wins. What was your part of the movie that you like best.

  15. Kia Ora Room 10 My name is Ana and I go to Glen Innes School. I really like you video. It shows us we can have sportsmanship and mostly encouragement. Your guy's video was inspiring and amazing. What made you do this and why?

  16. Malo e lelei Ruapotaka room 10,
    I like how they helped each other when they feel down, your movie is also funny. I'd do that if someone has feel down to the ground. What movie are you guys going to do next?

  17. Hi Malo e Lelei my name is Champion and i'm from Glen Innes school i liked how Sione fell but lucky the athlete help Sione but it not all about winning it all about sportsmanship and courage puls I like the camera angle aswell.

  18. Malo e lelei room 10,
    I really liked how yous all ran together crossed the line. I extremely enjoyed watching your guys a movie and also having sportsmanship! Keep it up room 10.

  19. Hi Room 10, its me Tupou,
    I really enjoyed watching your film, wish to see your film next time. Keep the good work up. My favourite part was the part that all the racers came together and crossed the line together.

  20. Hi room 10,
    My name is Mandita and I go to Hay Park School and my class is room 6.

    I liked how you based it on friendship because to be a good friend you have to be helpful, thoughtful and nice.

    It made me think of when I didn't have any friends and then my friend Lillias and Fatima came along and we became friends for ever.

    Maybe next time you can add who were the real people who played the parts.

    If you want to visit my blog here is my URL http//

    Kind regards Mandita.

  21. Kia ora Room 10,
    This is 4 students from Waikowhai Primary School, we liked how you showed a message in the video and the message was to help each other out even if you don't know that person. We liked how they all became friends even though they weren't friends before. We liked how you helped Sione when she fell even though she left all of the students behind. Next time maybe think about wearing costumes.

  22. This movie is so funny that I started to laugh.

  23. What is the movie about?

  24. i love your movie so much that i couldn't stop laughing make some more movies just like that room 10!!!!.

  25. Kia ora Room 10, Your epic race theme is an awesome idea and added lots of interest to your film. Very confident presenters too, well done.

  26. I think that this movie is so funny because of the sound effects of how Sione fell but not that funny because it is all about sportsman ship.

  27. well done team and great sportsmanship.
    keep up the great work.


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